23.6 C
Δευτέρα, 28 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Περιστέρι: Το BCL δικαίωσε τις “φωνές” του για αλλοίωση… κατόπιν εορτής (vid)

Να... σε κάψω Γιάννη να σε αλείψω λάδι, θύμιζε η "δικαίωση" του Περιστερίου από του διοργανωτές του BCL για τη φάση που έκρινε τον αγώνα του στη Μανίσα, που σήμανε την τρίτη ήττα σε ισάριθμες αναμετρήσεις.

Με το σκορ στο 78-77 και δύο δευτερόλεπτα για τη λήξη, ο Τζορτζ Πάπας επιχείρησε το τρίποντο της νίκης, αστόχησε δεχόμενος την πίεση του Γιουνούς Σονσιρμά και... εξερράγη ζητώντας φάουλ με αποτέλεσμα να δεχτεί και τεχνική ποινή.

Στα "δύσκολα σφυρίγματα" της εβδομάδας, όμως, οι υπεύθυνοι διαιτησίας της διοργάνωσης παραδέχονται ότι έπρεπε να δοθούν τρεις βολές στον διεθνή ομογενή γκαρντ, αφού μπορεί ο αμυνόμενος να μην είχε επαφή μαζί του, όμως, μπήκε στον "κύλινδρό" του, κάτι που είναι παράβαση σύμφωνα με τον κανονισμό.


Near the end of the game, the blue team take a throw-in from behind his opponents’ endline. Blue 5 receives the ball, steps back and attempts a 3-point shot. The referees do not call any foul. As a consequence of his complaints, Blue 5 receives his second technical foul in the game and, therefore, is game disqualified.

Art. 33.1: The defensive player may not enter the cylinder of the offensive player with the ball and cause an illegal contact when the offensive player is attempting a normal basketball play within the cylinder. The boundaries of the cylinder of the offensive player with the ball are:

  • The front by the feet, bent knees and arms, holding the ball above the hips,

  • The rear by the buttocks, and

  • The sides by the outer edge of elbows and legs.

Art. 33.2: During the game, each player has the right to occupy any position (cylinder) on the court not already occupied by an opponent.

This principle protects the space on the court which the player occupies and the space above when jumping vertically within that space.

When the player leaves the vertical position (cylinder) and body contact occurs with an opponent who had already established that player’s own vertical position (cylinder), the player who left the vertical position (cylinder) is responsible for the contact.

Outcome: Incorrect decision by the referees. White 99 jumped to try to block the shot and landed without creating any contact on the shooter. However, then White 99 moved forward, invading Blue 5 cylinder, who jumped vertically within his own cylinder to shoot, before his shooting action had finished. This is a foul in the act of shooting and Blue 5 should have been awarded 3 free throws.