9.8 C
Τετάρτη, 5 Μαρτίου, 2025

Η Καπογιάννη στον Λίβανο

H Ελένη Καπογιάννη θα συνεχίσει την πορεία της στους πάγκους εκτός Ελλάδας. Η Ελληνίδα προπονήτρια αποδέχθηκε την πρόταση της Homenetmen Antelias Basketball και θα εργάζεται πλέον στον Λίβανο.

Σε σχετικό post της ομάδας αναφέρεται πως θα είναι η πρώτη γυναίκα προπονήτρια και θα έχει υπό την επίβλεψή της και την Ακαδημία της ομάδας μαζί με το βιογραφικό της .




Homenetmen Antelias are pioneers in the Lebanese Basketball and as champions we always aim to welcome the best crew to our family. Please help us welcome Eleni Kapogianni, the first female coach in Lebanon to coach the Homenetmen Antelias Women’s Basketball team and Academy. Eleni’s experience and passion for the game are far beyond any introduction. Eleni is a hard working coach who has acquired both theoretical and technical experience in the field. She has a Masters in Sports Management and has been attending coaching seminars since 1992 till date. She is an effective member at the Board of Council of the Greek Basketball Coaches association and has been honored by the association for more than 8 times, along with countless honors over the years in coaching. She has been coaching women basketball teams since 1994 and has been taking her teams to championships. Her excellent coaching has won her teams undefeated as Greek Cup champions for 4 years in a row. She has in her pocket two Eurocup participations where her team reached advanced rounds in the championships. We are honored to have such a unique member in our family and are looking forward to great seasons ahead together. #GetseHomenetmen

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